Information for Christmas

Pet-Friendly Ornaments: How to Decorate Your Christmas Tree with Dog Walks and Fetch in Mind

How to Choose Pet-Friendly Ornaments for Your Christmas Tree

Are you a pet owner who loves to decorate your Christmas tree but worries about the safety of your furry friends during dog walks and fetch? Worry no more! You can find pet-friendly ornaments that won’t harm your pets or tree.

Firstly, avoid using glass ornaments or tinsel. Both can harm pets if ingested and pose a risk of injury if broken. Instead, opt for shatterproof ornaments made of materials like plastic, wood, or fabric.

Secondly, consider the size and weight of the ornaments. Avoid placing heavy or bulky ornaments on the lower branches, where pets are more likely to reach them. Choose lightweight and more miniature ornaments for the bottom of the tree.

Thirdly, choose ornaments that are easy to clean. Pets can shed or leave behind drool or slobber on ornaments. Avoid ornaments with fur or feathers, as they can be challenging to clean. Instead, choose smooth and easily wipeable ornaments.

Pet-Friendly Christmas Tree Stars

One of the most popular ornaments for a Christmas tree is the star. However, many traditional Christmas tree stars can be sharp or made of glass, which can harm pets during dog walks and fetch.

Pet-friendly options for a Christmas tree star include:

  1. Fabric star: A fabric star is lightweight, easy to clean, and won’t break if accidentally knocked off the tree.
  2. Metal star: A metal star is durable and won’t shatter if dropped. Choose a star with a smooth surface to prevent injury.
  3. Felt star: A felt star is soft and lightweight and won’t harm pets if they accidentally bump into it.


Decorating your Christmas tree with pet-friendly ornaments can be easy and enjoyable. By choosing ornaments made of safe materials and considering their size, weight, and cleanability, you can create a beautiful tree that won’t harm your furry friends during dog walks and fetch.

When it comes to the Christmas tree star, there are plenty of pet-friendly options, like fabric, metal, and felt stars. Consider these options when decorating your tree to ensure a safe and happy holiday season for you and your pets.